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Happy Sunday Everyone,

Week #64 of 103 – SCARRED

Thank you for joining me and welcome back to my blog. The official site of Word Vibration of the Week (WVOW). My intention for this blog is to create a community where we can share our thoughts and ideas about how words resonant with our energy. I look forward to your comments and our discussions. For those of you familiar with these posts, please feel free to jump to the next paragraph. For those of you new to my posts here is a brief description of Word Vibration of the Week.

I have always been fascinated with the idea that words carry a certain vibration, an energy of their own. My fascination is fueled by the idea that two words having similar meanings can feel vastly different energetically. I wanted to know how particular words landed on other people. Do they feel a word’s individual character like I do? Do other people notice how the words we use, in large part, create the experience we are having? I decided to write random words, 103 to be exact, on pieces of paper. I folded them into little squares and tossed them into a bowl. Each week I will draw a new word and post how this word feels to me, energetically. These words are the basis for my interactive post(s), “Word Vibration of the Week.” I invite you to join me each week and share how each WVOW lands on you.

Week #64 – SCARREDScreen Shot 2015-05-30 at 6.22.02 PM

Here’s a word whose vibration requires deeper exploration.

It’s easy to focus on the wound that SCARRED its subject.  Yet, taking a second look, I feel wisdom and opportunity for understanding.

What if the vibration of being SCARRED is the vibration of being healed?  And what if that healing is only as strong as one’s ability to choose it.

Being hurt, whether it physical, emotional or spiritual is a natural part of the human experience.  Surrendering to those times affords a broader view of life, ourselves and others but only if we look for it.

Reflecting on this word has given me a surprisingly warm and fuzzy feeling. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

As always,

In light and with love,

Teri Hunter http://www.terihunter.com

Twitter @HunterTeri